A Personalized Introduction To Mind-Body integration
A short live interactive course, either on-line or in-person, on how to perceive the plethora of internal communications (good, bad and often contradictory) that our Mind, Body & Spirit are sending out on any given topic. Once you can perceive these communications then you have the ability to start to focus in and release the bad ones and likewise upgrade the good ones to make your life a whole lot better!
What you will experience in this course -
When your done with the first session you will have already learned a simple version of biofeedback that will help you find the "stuff" that you know is "in there somewhere" and more importantly stuff you didn't even know was in there, but was hampering your progress in stealth mode in the background.
Then we go into how to actively "Set Your Intention" with a well formulated goal. Once that is done you will learn how to combine the two separate stand alone techniques into a unified approach to help you perceive and improve your previously subliminal communications. Then you have access from your Conscious Mind and Body to access and reprogram your Sub and Super Conscious Minds.
The body is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thoughts, you change your body​
~ Deepak Chopra
A Personalized Introduction To Mind-Body integration
An informal Live interaction (webinar or in-person) 1 hour once a week for 4 weeks
or as A Half Day session
successful completion grants access to optional 3 monthly practice sessions*
Topic 1 - "Self Help Selfie" ™
A simple, easy and effective biofeedback technique that will help you get real-time feedback about whats going on inside yourself at that moment. No external tools required. (Although an optional notebook and writing implement may be useful to some.)
This technique can be used anywhere and anytime to help put you in control of your own life. No one will know you are doing it and no one can ever find out your answers.
We will revisit and expand on this technique in each additional session of this series and any other course you take.
Learning Process:
Interactive Learning: 1 hour face to face (webinar, in-person),
Independent Learning: Suggested practice time to play with skills before next session.
Optional email support
Topic 2 - Basic Goal Setting for Health and Growth
Why "I want an ice cream cone" doesn't work well at Baskins-Robbins.
It's kinda hard to get the flavor of ice cream you want, and in fact you may get something you really don't like if you don't put some guidelines on the request. Likewise you can't book a flight if you don't know the destination. So why do we blindly amble through out life without a travel plan?
This session will teach you the framework for setting a real goal that has teeth and will improve your life. The goal setting process is the foundation upon which planned change is made and by itself is often all a person needs to find and fix their own "stuff".
Learning Process:
Interactive Learning: 1 hour face to face (webinar, in-person),
Independent Learning: Suggested practice time to play with skills before next session.
Optional email support
Topic 3 - Connect The Dots 1 + 1 = 3!
This session we learn how to use the Travel Plan (Goal) from week 2 with your GPS unit ("Self Help Selfie" ™) from week 1 to actually move in an expedient manner to your desired endpoint.
If the goal setting process itself didn't fully resolve the issue, or you need help defining your goal(s) then we can use the use the "Self Help Selfie" ™ to further explore and expand the process.
Learning Process:
Interactive Learning: 1 hour face to face (webinar, in-person),
Independent Learning: Suggested practice time to play with skills before next session.
Optional email support
Topic 4 - Interactive Practice
This session we put it all together and play with it with real time examples.
Learning Process:
Interactive Learning: 1 hour face to face (webinar, in-person),
Independent Learning: Suggested practice time to play with skills before next session.
Optional email support
Those who successfully complete this course may repeat it in the future at reduce tuition.
Post Course - 3 additional Months of optional Practice Sessions
Those who successfully complete the above course (attend all sessions and complete all Independent Learning exercises) qualify for attendance at monthly practice sessions.at no additional cost. These are live on-line open format sessions starting with a brief Q&A session, followed by a faculty lead focused group session and then some real-time curated sessions, allowing you to keep your skills polished up and fluent. No additional pre or post session time requirements, or activities, to attend. Sign up & show up that's it!
Your Investment
Interactive Learning: 4 hours (1 hour a week over 4 weeks)
Independent Learning: Optional, but highly recommended, as you wish
(Completion of these grants bonus access*)
Our Deliverables
Access to small size group Interactive Learning experiences: 4 hours over 4 weeks
Group email support for assistance with Independent Learning
Personalized email support for assistance with Independent Learning
*Successful completion of this course grants 3 months free access to monthly online Practice Sessions
Successful completion of this course allows repeating it in the future at reduce tuition